I think the all time funniest story about Curly is the one where he dropped his new dentures out of his pocket into the driveway, and found them after they had been run over, and presses into the fresh asphalt.
When I built my first Trade Gun, there were no Curly parts used on it. While discussing becoming a dealer for his guns, and parts, later on, he asked if I shot trade gun. I had to admit I did. And of course he asked about my gun. I described it, and there was a long pregnant silence, then he asked me, since it was a chiefs grade, if it had a indian thumb piece. I had to admit it didn't. He immediately growled it wasn't a real chiefs grade without one, and it should be sterling silver to historically correct. I realized he wanted to get at least one of his parts on my gun, so I ordered a silver thumb piece right then and there. From then on he alway asked how my junk pile trade gun was shooting. He was a real piece of work.
Hungry Horse