Author Topic: Has anyone ever used an 1842 mainspring in a repro Brown Bess lock?  (Read 2146 times)

Offline Artificer

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Years ago I bought a bunch of original NOS M1842 musket mainsprings and some sear springs when they were selling way too cheap and before shooting those guns really starting cooking in NSSA shooting.  I am not a blacksmith and can not forge a mainspring.  I don't have a computer capable camera, so here's a liink to what one looks like:

I realize the shape is not correct for a Brown Bess, but the area around the screw hole could be modified to be more correct.  I also realize that the hole for the screw and pin would not align with many locks, but that can be fixed by filling in the old holes and drilling new ones and tapping the screw hole. 

What I don't know is if these mainsprings would have too much tension for a Brown Bess.  I a$$ume the mainspring could be filed down to lessen the tension, if needed?  Also, I do not know of any other problems I have not thought about?

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Re: Has anyone ever used an 1842 mainspring in a repro Brown Bess lock?
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2012, 02:13:53 AM »
     I would guess it would work if you can mount it without too much modifications.  If you have to relocate the screw hole be very careful where that screw hole is going to come out on the face of the Bess lock.  You do not want to destroy some nice markings on an original lock.  You have to make sure that there is sufficient contact on the tumbler toe throughout the cycle.  You certainly do not want a spring popping off the toe at the bottom and tearing out your lock mortise.  Make sure the spring does not contact the bolster at full cock preventing a complete cycle.  Mounting pin holes are not hard to plug and relocate, but they must be correctly located for the spring you are using.  It is one of those things that can be done, but there are pitfalls to be aware know the kind of things that increases your vocabulary...
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Offline Artificer

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Re: Has anyone ever used an 1842 mainspring in a repro Brown Bess lock?
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2012, 05:08:17 AM »

Thank you so much for that.  Under the heading of "It's not what I know that bothers me, it is what I DON'T know (or realize) that really bothers me." - That is exactly the type of info I was looking for.
