Some folks inlet the lock as one piece. I have not tried that yet. I go piece by piece. It works. I am happy.
Inlet your plate. Draw thru the holes for the screws
Align the sear and bridle on the holes, and trace, then drill out for the tumbler.
Drill out any other screwheads(measure how deep, first). Inlet the bridle(which is now screwed onto the plate). Then put the tumble in plate, inlet that. Then put the sear in plate, inlet that.
Install sear spring, inlet that. Mark out for mainspring, rough drill it.
Inlet Main, for all positions. Observe all the little spots that touch and hinder function. I use inlet black on a toothbrush to put a slight film of black on the parts. Cut relief everywhere you see black. But not the plate inlet or bolster...that's already done, and you want those to remain snug.