Author Topic: Leonard Reedy 100315-2  (Read 12478 times)

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Leonard Reedy 100315-2
« on: March 18, 2010, 04:55:50 PM »
A very nice unsigned Leonard Reedy . Its in original flint condition .Some time back there was a discussion about symbolism . If my memory serves me right ,someone said Reedy used no symbolism . Note the inlay if front of the trigger guard . This is a comet with a tail . No doubt  a symbol of a recent event that Reedy witnessed . I know of a  Bonewitz with the same inlay.


This is a really fine Reedy rifle with all the bells and whistles, and in really fine condition as well!
As for the symbolism; a comet shooting across the sky is certainly a possibility, and with a little research it would be easy to discover if a comet passed within view during the time the gun was being made.


While not a great fan of Reedy's work generally, this is one piece that I would jump at the chance to own if it should ever come on the market. It is a remarkably beautiful rifle with all of the best traits that Reedy could put into his work. The wood and color are especially fine,
as is the overall condition; it appears to be an original flintlock with a very tasteful English lock. The patch box is grand and has the best engraving you could ever find suggesting that this was a special order gun, for a well to do client, perhaps.

This is a very nice Reedy, I wouldn't mind owning it myself.  The patchbox is a nice variant to the ones usually seen on a Reedy and the rifle appears to have minimal (if any) restoration.
A superb Reedy, in excellent condition and original finish. It would aid the research value and description if we could get barrel length and bore size, but who wants to quibble on this rifle? It will be one of the finest additions to the museum we've made. 
This is a really fine Reedy rifle with all the bells and whistles, and in really fine condition as well!
What else can you say, other than this will be a great addition to the library!

As for the symbolism; a comet shooting across the sky is certainly a possibility, and with a little research it would be easy to discover if a comet passed within view during the time the gun was being made.
While not a great fan of Reedy's work generally, this is one piece that I would jump at the chance to own if it should ever come on the market. It is a remarkably beautiful rifle with all of the best traits that Reedy could put into his work. The wood and color are especially fine,
as is the overall condition; it appears to be an original flintlock with a very tasteful English lock. The patch box is grand and has the best engraving you could ever find suggesting that this was a special order gun, for a well to do client, perhaps.
This is a very nice Reedy, I wouldn't mind owning it myself.  The patchbox is a nice variant to the ones usually seen on a Reedy and the rifle appears to have minimal (if any) restoration. 
A superb Reedy, in excellent condition and original finish. It would aid the research value and description if we could get barrel length and bore size, but who wants to quibble on this rifle? It will be one of the finest additions to the museum we've made. 

« Last Edit: January 02, 2020, 04:24:22 AM by rich pierce »
In Memory of Lt. Catherine Hauptman Miller 6/1/21 - 10/1/00 & Capt. Raymond A. Miller 12/26/13 - 5/15/03...  They served proudly.