We had our December shoot last Sunday. Beautiful day, no snow, high in mid 40's and calm. 14 shooters low but normal for December. Everyone (I do believe) had a good time. Would have had at least 16 shooters but one hurt in a atv wreck and our 95 yr old sharpshooter (on 75 yd eggs at least) can't raise his arms over his shoulders w/o pain. Paid off hams etc. Presented a 75 cal turkey gun to our drawing winner. He was happier than a hog in slop!
This to me at least is what this game is all about. Now let some S.O.B. try to take it away

Melancoly time of year! I feel the !@*%&@ mopes coming on!
Build them in winter and shoot 'em all year!
Enjoy life fellas our visit is a short one.