I have not been here much lately, but I have not seen nearly as much bitterness here as I see regularly on other boards. You want to get smart___ responses and start a fight? Go ask a question, any question, on the F_______ F____board!
I RARELY post anything there now, and several folks have left I'm sure simply because of the attitudes of several participants make it impossible to have a civil discussion.
It's all about attitude. I'm sure some people think I'm a know-it-all and quick to offer my opinion, but I do try to be nice about it. I also don't try to wrestle with pigs.
Some folks know quite a bit, and the information they provide can be helpful, but they KNOW that they know, and all must bow before their superior knowledge and be grateful for whatever morsels they decide to toss out before us mere mortals, and woe be to anyone who questions them.
Some folks know nothing and don't care, and seem to take it as a personal insult anytime anyone says anything about something being period correct, for example, and immediately lay in with the "my CVA rifle is just as good as any $2500 custom fancy schmantzy glitzy gun..." (on other boards you see "my Hi Point is just as good as your Colt Python....
). Even if the discussion had NOTHING whatsoever to do with them before they jumped in.
Some folks are "experts" because they have "been doin' this for 40 years"... even though they've been doing it wrong for 40 years.... Don't dare question them either.
Some folks just like to argue. Don't ask me why.
Some folks are new or know little, and yet totally reject good advice given to them. I don't know why people do that either.
Attitudes like these make it difficult to discuss anything. Attitudes like these have destroyed forums. Attitudes like these really turn off newcomers (and old timers alike).
But, advice and opinions can be given and taken with decorum and grace, and things can be discussed politely (if even heatedly), and I'm glad I see these types of attitudes here on this board.