Author Topic: cure fo moisture , rain or snow in muzzle.  (Read 13910 times)

Offline Old Ford2

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Re: cure fo moisture , rain or snow in muzzle.
« Reply #25 on: December 25, 2008, 05:32:25 PM »
At most drug stores you can buy mini condoms ( for your fingers) the call them " finger cotts"
They use them to protect your fingers, and also that will not contaminate other items, like pills.
They are inexpensive, and "Most Likely" your wife won't be too concerned.
They work well.
One question! If you don't put a ball in the barrel, will you get a very big balloon, on the end of the barrel, after shooting?
Merry Christmas
Old Ford
Never surrender, always take a few with you.
Let the Lord pick the good from the bad!