Author Topic: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?  (Read 20418 times)

Offline Bob Roller

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2012, 04:43:58 PM »
If I had a dime for every mistake I have ever made,I would
be able to afford a Duesenberg car at today's prices.
Who was it that said,"Breathes there a man with soul so dead
that has never cut his hand and bled"?

Bob Roller


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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2012, 05:00:11 PM »
A friend of mine said only God ca make perfect things, If your gun is coming out perfect make a mistake so people won't think you are God so sayith George Seisler   ;)

Offline pathfinder

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2012, 05:38:02 PM »
Reporter: "Mr. Edison,Doesn't failing 2300 times at making a light bulb dicourage you?"

Mr. Edison: "No, I learned 2300 way's NOT to make a light bulb!"

My first gun has so many mistakes you cant count them! I still shoot her to this day,my personal favorite.

Dont give up,we all have these day's.
Not all baby turtles make to the sea!  Darwinism. It’s works!

Offline Gaeckle

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2012, 05:39:44 PM »
At some point in time we all cross over from mistakes to Awcrap Moments.....

Something doesn't work out quite so well and just say: "Aaaaaaaaw $#@*!", then you fix it.......

..........and like Dan said, I too aim for perfection. My wife will say I'm a slob and I'll just reply I'm the perfect slob. Sometime that gets you out of household type duties.....the honeydo list that so far has taken a forest to write........

Offline Dphariss

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2012, 06:29:24 PM »
I have gone to bed agonizing over some disaster or another in (usually) wood or metal.
Wake up in the AM go to the shop and find its not that bad and its can be fixed or worked around.
When you think you have really blown it, walk away and come back with a fresh mind and it may not be as bad as you thought.
I have fixed some REALLY serious blunders in my day, some by me and at least one by a co-worker these on CUSTOMERS ANTIQUES or FAMILY HEIRLOOMS. (this last was enough to make a person bite rocks)
So like I said
Nobody should feel like the Lone Ranger. 

He who dares not offend cannot be honest. Thomas Paine

Offline bgf

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2012, 06:31:00 PM »
It is actually a distinct sort of fun to fix problems.  I work at a pace that feels right, to a standard that I'm comfortable with (I would never sell one, because I'd have to "compromise" :)), and enjoy the whole thing in my own twisted way.  I do it to better understand rifles (and the culture around them) I admire.  The end result is always imperfect, though functional, but that almost doesn't matter (as long as it shoots) as the process is what I enjoy.

Ask yourself why you do it.  If it is to produce a perfect gun or get the admiration of others, then you likely won't ever achieve your goal long term, nor will you get much enjoyment out of the process for long.  Probably there is a better reason you got into this mess, though, so take out the glue, the hacksaw, or whatever you need and get back to it :)!

Offline Roger Fisher

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2012, 06:54:35 PM »
Seems like most of us peons can wax long and in detail on this subject.  Keep in mind, if you like, that the glue pot was standard equipment in 'theday'...

We have noticed that it is a learning curve and most of us never live or work long enough to reach the peak.  A time arrives that we notice our skill actually dropping off and we have to ponder and study the matter carefully b/4 making the next move on a build.  (Or am I alone in this)  It gets a little scary at times , its age I guess. :-X

Offline BJH

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #32 on: December 07, 2012, 09:21:31 PM »
I dont' think I'll ever get through a project with out a mistake or other hickup. However, The goofs become smaller as a rule and expierence leads to better fixes. BJH

Offline Dennis Glazener

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #33 on: December 08, 2012, 12:47:05 AM »
I have gone to bed agonizing over some disaster or another in (usually) wood or metal.
Wake up in the AM go to the shop and find its not that bad and its can be fixed or worked around.
This has happened to me several times. A couple of them I was seriously close to breaking the stock across the work bench! Then the next AM it wasn't nearly as bad and in some cases didn't even require a repair, just removal of more wood in other areas.
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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #34 on: December 08, 2012, 02:40:01 AM »
Here's my "headache" from yesterday...Sorry I didn't respond to anyone yesterday...I posted this topic then decided to chill out before checking back today.

This is a .69 caliber swamped barrel that  I decided to make somewhat reminiscent of an original English pistol from the late 1700's.  There's a few places I need to fix, but I guess they won't ruin the overall project after all.  Hopefully I can get the trigger guard, thimbles, & buttcap inletted this evening.

I really do appreciate everyone's thoughtfulness and encouragement...Believe me, I needed it. 

Offline Pete G.

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #35 on: December 08, 2012, 05:34:49 PM »
The fact that you got 30+ responses in a 24 hr. period speaks volumes.

If you really want to lose some sleep try cutting your tennon dovetails in the SIDE of a $200 swamped barrel. The moral of that story is to either work or talk to a visitor, but not both at the same time.


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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #36 on: December 08, 2012, 05:55:57 PM »
".....either work or talk to a visitor, but not both at the same time."

Whenever someone wanders into my shop, friends, neighbors or customers, machines are shut down, all work stops.  An instant of inattention can cause hours of grief.  Having the phone ring is another distraction that can ruin your concentration and cause you to do something stupid.

Just yesterday I was just getting ready to smack a stamp into a lock plate.  The phone rings and I answer it.  After a 10 minute conversation I go back to what I was doing.  Where is the stamp?  Look around for several minutes and finally find it next to the phone where I set it down.  I pick it up and take it back to the bench, line it up on the lock plate, give 'er a big smack with a two pound hammer and the result is BARNETT neatly stamped UPSIDE DOWN.   rrrrrr  It took two hours to "erase" it with a TIG welder, let it cool, and dress it back and re stamp it correctly.

Offline WadePatton

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #37 on: December 08, 2012, 06:16:20 PM »
A buddy of mine is at the pinnacle of his trade (getting top dollar and only taking clients as he chooses, multi-year waiting list) and they made a video with him regarding his work: Imperfection is Perfection.

In which he expresses that you'll never build the perfect, everything went perfect, thing* (if you are a perfectionist).  AND that he's happy with that as the perfectionist will never quit trying to build the perfect one, closing the gap, but never quite completely--for if he/she did, THEN everything thereafter wouldn't be as good.  That it would be time to quit and take on a new master.

mistake and flaw management (especially when wood is involved) is everything.  everything after basic competency and workflow i suppose.

*be it a handmade rifle, bicycle, suit of armor...

contrasted to the production environment where, so long as tolerances are maintained and employees show up...there is no perfect-nor is it sought.  only adequate or "within parameters" of that sort of making of things. also there's more pitching it to the dumpster rather than fixing the mistakes i that case.  they have quotas to fill and bean-counters to satisfy.
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Offline Long John

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #38 on: December 08, 2012, 07:06:35 PM »
For others it may vary, but for me its 4,718 and counting!

Best Regards,

John Cholin

Offline 490roundball

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #39 on: December 08, 2012, 07:21:14 PM »
As I stated recently on another board related to a certain maker's guns

"I have pulled two old partly finished projects out of the closet in the past month. both ones I put away after making a mistake on them, I may not be any better a craftsman than I was when I goofed up on them, but I am more experienced at fixing mistakes now."
"It's a poor word that can't be spelt two ways" Tom Yeardley in Swanson's Silent Drum

Offline Chris Treichel

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #40 on: December 28, 2012, 09:17:28 PM »
Looking through the videos on Midway's site (trying to figure out a checkering kit I got for christmas before the book I ordered arrives) found this video on how to use shellack and sandpaper to fix cracks and knot holes...


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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #41 on: December 28, 2012, 09:42:02 PM »
I don't believe my projects will ever be "right".  Major mistakes, walk away and come back the next day.  The mistake then becomes an interesting challenge.  Minor ones, continue working and look at the f---up as something that will make your work session just a little bit longer.  In either case the fixing procees is educational.  Probably won't make the same mistake again but will make a new one the next time.  :)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 03:03:29 AM by eddillon »

Offline Tom Currie

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #42 on: December 29, 2012, 02:17:30 AM »
The challenge for me is to work at a decent " workman-like "  pace and minimize mistakes . I haven't really built in a year and just inlet a barrel into a blank in the last week. As Rich Pierce alluded to earlier, the more you are working at this , the better I think you become process wise. You don't have to think and re-think what you are doing to avoid mistakes. And yes, my barrel channel inlet has mistakes, I'll hide them the best I that I can.

Offline rsells

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #43 on: December 29, 2012, 07:07:02 AM »
Not to worry!  I think we are in the same boat.  I can say that once in a great while a rifle will fall together for me, but it is seldom.  The one I finished last week worked against me from the very start.  Some days everything seemed not to flow well, and I would lay the tools down and go watch TV or listen to the oldies.  I didn't relax and enjoy the rifle until the last screw was installed and the rifle sighted in.  I can say that this rifle is one of the ones I would like to keep for myself.  For some reason, it was a bear to build, but it turned out to be a keeper.  Looked, felt, and shot great.   To date, I have only built 55 rifles since I got hooked, and I can say that I have not completed a rifle without having to work through some type of issue.  Most of the time, the issue is something that no one notices or cares about except for me.  I think we are our worst critics of our own work, at least in my instance.  At one time, I could build a plain mountain rifle in 40 hours or so, but now it takes me a bit over a 100 hours to build the same type of rifle.  I think I have gotten more picky as I have went along, because I try to make each rifle better than the last.  Good luck, and go with the flow.  It is well worth the effort.
                                                            Roger Sells

Offline Shreckmeister

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #44 on: December 29, 2012, 04:10:06 PM »
Of all the threads on alr, I find this one the most genuine inspiring honest amusing need I say more. Thank you so much. My first build is sitting in a corner. I was afraid to even start it because I know myself and was avoiding failure. This gives me the courage to move forward. Thanks to all.
Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

Offline James Wilson Everett

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #45 on: December 29, 2012, 04:54:52 PM »

I never have gotten one really right.  However, I think of my errors as just "mid course corrections".  This is a gun where the barrel was planned to be a swamped octagon, 44 inch long.  But a serious flaw in my crummy weld caused it to end up as a 38 inch long octagon to round.  A real bummer and a lot of work and rework before I gave up and cut the barrel back several inches shorter!  Oh well, I am still happy with it.

Advice, be flexible with your planned outcome and be happy with the results because nobody else is perfect, either!

« Last Edit: December 08, 2019, 12:23:22 AM by James Wilson Everett »

Offline Cobweb

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #46 on: December 29, 2012, 08:13:13 PM »

What a great thread!! It has raised my confidence level a bar or two! I was reluctant to share by "doins" and showing all the greenhorn mistakes I've made and being laughed at.
I was basically a shooter and not a builder but did build a full stock hawken type rifle that I have been shooting for the longest time. It's a .54-- 1 1/8" X 42" Bill Large barrel, L&R lock and triggers. Looks like a fence post but shoots really well. It weight is just short of 13#! Up until then I was shooting an iron mounted .40cal. Tennessee rifle.
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Offline Acer Saccharum

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #47 on: December 30, 2012, 06:47:08 AM »
I am in total agreement with James Wilson Everett. I often need to change my concept mid-stream, because I took too much wood off, or made something too short, or screwed something up. Then I try to make it look like I planned it that way!

Tom Curran's web site :
Ramrod scrapers are all sold out.


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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #48 on: December 30, 2012, 02:32:03 PM »
When I was building regularly I found that each rifle taught me something new that improved the outcome of the next build. Problem is that there are probably at least a couple of dozen key decisions that have a significant impact on a gun's appearance or function. Each lesson is typically learned by first making an error and only then discovering how to do it correctly and then to accumulate the skills to actually execute the correct build next time around. So it can take at least several rifles - usually more before even an astute learner can be making guns that are good enough. I read a lot, asked a lot of questions of more experienced people, planned a  lot, visualized a lot in my mind  and practiced a lot on practice pieces before I actually committed my hand to the real thing  - be it a kit gun or a scratch built rifle. I don't think any of these were faultless but some where getting pretty good by the end. That was 20 years ago and I am only now beginning to think about getting back into building guns. I wonder if its like riding a bike.............maybe I will soon find out.

Oh there is one other thing that is worth mentioning too. Some days I found I was just  "not in the groove" and no matter how careful I was I could not get the result I was trying for. I learned that on those days it paid huge dividends if I just put my tools down, left the workshop and went to have a quiet beer. With a bit of luck the next time I came back to the workbench I would be back on top of my game and able to do things without making errors. When I tried to "bust through or bust" generally I just busted.

Offline James Wilson Everett

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Re: How many mistakes can one make before actually getting a build right?
« Reply #49 on: December 30, 2012, 03:25:00 PM »

Amen on what Peterm1 said, some days I really should not be handling any sharp objects!

« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 01:00:34 AM by James Wilson Everett »