Topton Gun Club shot their 20 shot walk today, blanket shoot, all offhand shooting 30 shooters although weather report was for 'showers'...
3 groups went out on the course and good ol Ken Milburn shot his flinter well with 2 misses. to take first place overall. (He cheated since the recently got his eye fixed.

Ol man Fisher was like 4th with 5 misses shooting a new gal....50 caliber this time.. His one mistake was going for the claybird leftover ring and missed it..
Several new shooters which was good to see... Next w walk at Boyertown R&G first Sun in January. Lets all show up in good shape.
I apologize to the young lady that was going to e mail me photos. the end of my e -mail is .net not .com.....

I hope she sees this.