Hate to admit it, but I think you are probably right about this Harry.
It's getting so that it's becoming awful expensive to shoot any muzzle loading firearm. Eventually the cost of replenishing one's depleting stock of, powder, patch, ball, cap, flint,,, sooner or later we'll catch up with all of us.
With all due respect CS, that's hogwash. Even at $30 lb, a 50gr load costs .22 cents, say, .05 cents for patch and another .05 for lead and .03 cents for flint, that's .35 cents per bang. Even if you shot 50 rounds every weekend like Roundball does, that's only $17.50 ($70 per month) and thats allot more shooting than most guys do. Compare that to a round of golf. $#*!, for me, $17.50 wouldn't cover the balls that I lose in 9 holes (that's why I don't golf). Most smokers pay upwards of $300 per month on smokes. Where else can you get that kind of enjoyment and satisfaction for under $20?. No, shooting muzzleloaders is by FAR the biggest BANG for the entertainment buck there is.