This Benjamin T. Raines rifle is interesting because it is earlier than the known Raines rifles I have seen, which are all well-made half-stocked guns, often with good quality silver inlay work. Raines was born in Kentucky in 1817 and worked there for several years before moving up into Hancock County, Indiana, probably in the late 1830s. Several details on this rifle, in addition to its being full-stocked, are taken from his KY training. Note the diamond shaped lock bolt washer on the rear side facing, the longer than normal tang, straignt butt lines with extended toe and flattened comb...all of which are found in KY. The small bore and later style side facings with forward sloping front ends suggest a date after 1840, as does the beautiful, large lettered script signature, which would make this rifle one of Raines' early Indiana guns. This is an interesting rifle and one that helps fill in the story of Raines' early years of gunmaking in Indiana.
An interesting rifle by an interesting, as well as fairly early, Indiana maker.
My feelings mirror others. I have not encountered this maker before. While his work is simple and plain, it is nonetheless very appealing. Simple elegance! Nice to see that the gun is still in 'as found' condition and that no owner, thus far, has sought to 'improve' it.