Thank you to all who took the time to respond.
I understand your points and agree.
I had the Rifle Shoppe install the lugs, breech plug, and they provided an assembled lock that has been hardened. I assumed since they offer the services they know what they are doing.
as far as locations of the underlugs I assumed RS installed in the correct positions and I have to fine fit to stock and the back and forth needed to locate pin holes in stock. If not I will undo their work and do it right, but complain about not being warned off. I was trying to get as advanced a kit as i could without buykng a fully assembled piece, put the metal work part in their hands, and concentrate on the furniture fit and finish on my end.
I assumed the breech plug was soldered in but dont know and should not have said so. Again, putting faith in the RS knowledge about this to do it correctly. If not, said complaint #2.
I am going to order a few books today, already have a few booklets by Kit Ravenshear.
I understand it is no small task and didnt think I would get a step by step tutorial to my question, but my stock was inleted, and I understand the importance of their alignment to each other for the final product. My post was short and terse, what I was wondering about is more complicated than I could have expected to have answered clearly; each model presents its unique needs.
Ill read and get back to you all. nd thanks!