No, you're not a dork. Many people do this. I took a class in Antique Custom Riflesmithing at the Green River Rifle Works in 1978 and the shop manager, Greg Roberts, drilled the ramrod hole out the bottom on the Leman I was building. He said, "Now you have two choices. Throw that stock away and start all over, or cover it with a wear plate". So I fitted a brass wear plate, top photo, inlet and screwed on. Second photo is a .54 Christian Hawken I built, wear plate to cover a fault in wood, inlet and nailed on. Third is an exact copy I made of a Jacob Wigle rifle (Westmoreland Co., PA). They fitted wear plates as a matter of style. This one mostly sits on the wood (well, I inletted it nearly flush) and is nailed on. Avoid the ramrod hole. The bottom one is a copy of a Thomas Oldham rifle (Bedford), inlet and screwed on. Rifles carried across saddles could wear through to the ramrod hole and be patched as a repair.