For years, I've watched the fine folks on other sites post photos and stories of taking their son or daughter on turkey hunts. To be quite honest, I was a bit jealous as my son never had an interest in chasing turks around until recently. He's been a muzzle loading deer hunter since it was legal for him to do so, I just couldn't get him interested in the three toed critters. Today, I joined the ranks of the others with being able to post a photo of my sons first turkey.

He will be 30 in a couple of months but it's never too late I guess.

I think he's hooked!
Of course it helps when his first bird is a dandy snow white tipped Merriam with 11 inch beard and 1 3/16 hooks!
The bird came in so close to the blind and decoys that we had to just sit and watch him whoop up on the jake decoy until he got further away and gave him a shot at about 6 feet. As an added bonus, he used an 1860's vintage 2 row muzzle loader.