To do this right may require a deeper breech plug.
i think thats probably the case as if i understand the situation correctly , he doenst have the depth to do it that way Dan
I do not notch breech faces.
neather , here or there Dan .
i would have to go dig through my boxs of old original parts but i belive i have a couple plugs with V notchs in the plug face . i also have a couple plugs from french precussion SXS that have nipple holes tapped through the face of the plug .
myself i dont do that eather . as i said , if the lock plate has not been inlet yet , normaly there is room enought to slide the lock forward and solve the issue or at least come close enough that enlarging the pan would solve the issue .
Frankly , the whole idea of having a lock pre inlet ( most cases excluding chambers )
Is a pet peeve of mine . Not only do I feel it’s a waste of money but it’s a ripe off .
The reason is that they don’t inlet the lock . All that’s done is to hog out the mortise with a router .
Leaving the customer to still have to inlet the lock plate and in a lot of cases deepen the inlet anyway .
So the customer ends up having to do the inletting that’s going to set the lock true and support the lock plate correctly . If they are capable of that , its just alittle more work , with the same tools to do the complete inlet .
IMO its very much like charging a drilling fee .
What gets drilled ?
How do you drill from the tang to the trigger when the tang hasn’t been inlet yet and the triggers have not been inlet to the point they set as they should
I had one poor fella bring me a pre-carve that he paid such a fee on . The only thing that got drilled was the lock bolt holes . But guess what , not only did the front hole , locate the bolt right into the elbow of the main spring but the rear bolt would have interrupted the travel on the tumbler .
The butt plate had pilot holes drilled , but the butt plate itself had not been inlet to the point where those holes would have even worked .
He had paid to have the under lugs also dovetailed . But the front lug put the pin hole right through the back of the nose cap .
I wont say where that pre-carve assembly came from as we frown on that here . Ill only say it was from a more reputable place and that I have seen enough of this type of thing from them to tell folks to not pay for anything but a barrel and RR inlet . Do the rest yourself and it will save you a whole lot of heartache