Here's a picture of the one I built for Leatherbelly, and which I eventually bought back from him. I love it. For wing shooting, I have a 12 gauge flint double of my own manufacture, a 1861 Manton percussion double 15 gauge, and the Penn fowling piece. I do best with the 20 bore Chambers gun. And the stock architecture lends itself to shooting round ball with stout loads, without punishing your face.
All in all, a fine design and top quality components.
Little Joe, you're quite right...Nate has a lot of talent and can build his muzzleloaders from a plank. But if he's like me, every now and then, he likes to take the easy way out and make up a rifle or gun for himself that has a good portion of the hard stuff already done. And from time to time, I get orders from clients that have picked out a 'parts set' and want me to build it for them. There is no shame in that, as far as I can see, even though I am capable of building one from a plank. I have two favourite guns that I shoot lots and they are both from Chambers 'kits'...the Penn fowling piece, and a .50 cal Virginia rifle I call Voluptious Virginia. For me, being acquainted with the Chambers themselves probably has a lot to do with it. But the guns too, speak for themselves.
I've just added a few more pics of the then new fowler. It's changed a little since then...patination from use, and the barrel is now browned rather than blued. but the bore is still mint.