Out here on the left coast, using Crisco for patch lube is a one way ticket to a forest fire. I have found nothing that burns faster,and retains a spark longer, than Crisco. I now use home rendered tallow. Venison, or mutton, work best ( they have the highest flash point) beef works, but not as well. In the winter I dilute the tallow ( because it gets too stiff to use) with a little bear oil, or even olive oil.
Two weeks ago, the Konocti Rod and Gun Club, put on our Family Fun Shoot ( a shoot open to the public, to encourage non-shooters to give it a try). I loaded a cut down TC 45 cal. Hawkens for the kids, seventy seven consecutive times, without swabbing, or cleaning, in hundred degree temperatures. the lube I was using was donated by a club member, as was the powder, and balls. The lube was TC bore butter, which got pretty loose as the day got hotter, and from previous experience can be pretty stiff on cold days, but it sure didn't catch fire, or even leave a smoking patch.
Hungry Horse