I'd either leave it.
Or,,tip the angle of the cheek piece instead of just shortening the front.
Bring the front up just a bit, which will in effect shorten the edge a little.
Bring the rear edge down just a bit. That will give the inlay more room on the right side and not look
so boxed in and off center to you.
You'll have to reshape the cheek piece edge mouldings to match the new angle of course but it's not
going to be a drastic change. You will loose a small amount of height to the edge in this but it can be regained by careful reshaping & slimming up under and around the cheek piece.
Between the two very slight changes brought about by the angle difference, the inlay will appear more comfortably in place over the cheek piece edge, and you won't loose any great length to the edge in doing so.