Ok, I have read all the rave reviews here and I had to go back last night to the blog and review the 40 photos again, to be sure that I didn't look at something wrong the first time. I agree that this is a nice rifle and I too like the look of it, but why is it that no one has mentioned the large chip of wood that is about to pop out on the top back end of the lock mortise (see picture #8 if my memory serves me correctly) and the gap with ragged edges in the lock mortise at that juncture? I know I have bad eyes, but I think that is what I see. Not being critical, but even in my inexperienced world of building, I would have corrected this before I shot pictures of it. If I am mistaken, would someone set me straight--please. And if this is just part of making it look more like an original, maybe it is a little too much, at least for my taste.