Gent's, thanks again...
Jimmy... The butt was carved to Fred's pattern, by Dave Keck. As is usually the case, I took some wood off here and there to get it to where I wanted it. I don't do a lot of guns from carved patterns any more, but I really like this one.
The lock plate is slightly rounded, but I filed a fairly aggressive bevel on it, and also took some material off the underside, near the tail, to straighten out the bottom line. After that, it's now pretty flat...
Mike, no worries at all. I didn't take anything as being critical, and I appreciate your honest input! Same thing with the lock. Without getting into negative comments, I'll just say it's not of the same quality of say, a Chambers lock. Having said that, like I said earlier, I have one on my personal hunting / shooting rifle, and it's performed very well over the last four years.