Ron, yes I've put double set triggers in the Bucks County style hunting rifle I'm working on, but unfortunately I didn't originally start out trying to make it PC. 40 years ago when I started into muzzle loading I lived out west and everyone I knew shot half stock plains style rifles with a DST. It wasn't until I moved back east that I got hooked on flintlock long rifles. But by then I'd gotten into the DST habit. This will be my last rifle with a DST.
I got lead astray, I seems, into the DST and wooden patch box approach by all the catalog pictures and on-line images of about every style of long rifle with wooden patch boxes and DST. I should have stayed with Shumway's RCA. Luckily, you and some of the other guys on the ALR forum got me straight about the wooden patch box before I installed it. I now have the correct brass side opening patch box to install. The release button in the toe plate will be a first for me. I'll have to go slow there to keep out of trouble.
Ron, you mentioned once on the forum how much you liked Bucks County rifles. I really like the looks and fit of this one I'm building and am starting to get hooked on them myself. I have Shumway's RCA, Lindsay's The Kentucky Rifle, and a few other references but there seems to be little on Bucks County rifles in them. Do you know of some reference material (hopefully with some decent pictures) on Bucks County rifles I could try to locate? Thanks.
Mole Eyes