Starting time table shoot Saturday the 28th
I've been watching the weather forecast, Saturday is looking very encouraging for a shoot. I have spoken with a couple of the shooters were thinking that starting a little later in the day would be better. We were thinking maybe 11 o'clock, we should still be able to finish ample time for everybody to get home at a reasonable hour. One of to put this up in front of you and get your opinion. Please spread the word to anybody that may not have received this. I'm sending it on email to all that I have and posting it on Facebook, American long rifles and Panthers Lodge. It has been the consensus so far that we would be into a little warmer part of the day. The cook has informed me that we are having chili. Anything you might like to bring to go with that would be deeply appreciated and I'm sure that we will have a great time. Please respond as quickly as you can everybody be safe. Hope to see you Saturday. I know some of you will not be able to make it, you will be sorely missed, but if you would please help spread the word. I would consider it a personal favor. Thanks, Robin