The William Defibaugh that wrote the letter pictured was a Professional Engineer in the Bedford, PA area. I had contact with him in the late nineties as he was involved in a church renovation in the Carlisle, PA area. As I spoke to him, I realized that he had the same name as the gunmaker that lived and had his shop not two miles from my grandfather's birthplace. He said he was related and we had quite an interesting conversation.
There is a mistake in the letter he wrote. The gentlemen's name in McConnellsburg was not Charles Bender. It was Clarence Bender! He was a close family friend and the individual that got me interested in muzzleloading rifles in 1972; when I was the ripe ole age of 18. Clarence Bender attended shoots all over Pennsylvania and the national matches in Friendship. He collected muzzleloading rifles but his passion was heavy, bench rifles. Some of his bench guns had barrels weighing well over 30 pounds. His favorite, named Lucifer, probably weighed about 40 pounds.