There are some great classes being offered again this year, by some of the best instructors out there. A couple of the instructors are members of this site, Jim Kibler and Ron Scott. I highly recommend the classes to anyone wanting to learn more about building longrifles.
From the NMLRA Website:
"Registration is now open for the 33rd Annual NMLRA Gunsmithing Workshop and Seminar, hosted by Western Kentucky University. 3, 6 and 9 days classes will be held covering topics such as "Conservation and Restoration of Period Arms", "Longrifle Relief and Incised Carving" and "Woodbury School of Iron Mounted Gun Making". Well known names will be providing instruction such as Hershel, John and Frank House, Jim Chambers and Wallace Gusler. To ensure a positive learning experience, class size is limited and they often fill up fast. Don't wait to register!"
For more information go here: have signed up this year for the engraving class with Jim Kibler.... I hope to see some of you at the seminar!