No sense of humor Dan.
Well I guess I get a little tired of people telling me their smoothbores are shooting as good as rifles. They don't. Everyone knows this but they just have to make the claim anyway, its some sort of OCD I guess. But then I don't shoot at dinner plate sized steel targets with my ML very often nor did people back in the day. Unless the rifle is really poor or needs serious load development the SB simply does not have a chance if shooting on paper for score. People saying that rifling really does not matter under 50 yards, not so, unless the targets are really big.
And I have saddled enough horses for "dudes" at 3 oclock in the AM finally getting MY work done after dark. Cutting wood weeks before in the Wilderness Area with a cross cut saw after carrying it to camp on my shoulder, then watching them load the stove, in a TENT, so it can still be burnt out and just as cold as if they had not in a couple of hours, (the guides did not HAVE a stove, it was a waste of wood, and often slept on saddle pads on the ground since cots were heavy). Picking up the trash they tend to leave in the woods that I don't consider myself a "dude" nor do I like being called one.
Having hunted with smoothbores when I had one I thought was cool, I can honestly say I have shot at more animals than I have killed, but then I don't shoot at long bow ranges much. So I use a rifle.
When I can go to a "rendezvous" with a rifle that is not even sighted in yet, that later proved to be so inaccurate after testing that I would not hunt with it and tie the score of the best SB shooter over the same course it explains it very well and I thought I shot abysmally. This after I had been down at one of the traders being regaled, as usual, by a SB shooter about how wonderfully accurate his SB was
I have shot trade gun matches at Rendezvous too. Again
I hate knowing the hold is good and missing. It's frustrating and seems so pointless. Shotguns are for small shot. Solid projectiles work better from rifled bores. This has been known since sometime in the 16th c. I think, surely by the 17th.