Eric, are you kidding I WAS COMPLETLY AND UTTERLY DEVASTED to have to sell a family heirloom,that should have stayed in the family my father had commissioned as a gift to me. I had no choice at the time to try and help with funds, to add insult to injury I was cheated on the price with a switcharoo of cash in an envelope that had been previously counted out,my fault but still it happened. John Cunnighnam of Western Pa and Bob , Robert Guthrie of were the makers. John did the basic work, and Bob all of the engraving and carving. Who ever took the photos cut Bob's signature off whichis odd as if they did not want peopelto see who actually made it . I put photos of this rifle out everywhere, every member of the CLA got them, and the story, and adds were placed in the NMLRA magazine and all other black powder mags for years when I was working to try and find it when i had the chance to buy it back and bring it home to the family where it belongs. The ONLY hit I ever got was from a scammer who convinced me he had the rifle and tried to steal the money but the authorities got him and I got those funds back around 2005 or so. This back story I believe was fabricated to try and cover the tracks of the rifle and sold to who ever last bought it probably, but wow who would believe that with no documentation that that Gov made rifle ever existed? It does sound nice I guess. Its sad some cant see the absolutely amazing workmanship that went into the carving and engraving etc .Back when it was made it was not easy to get a good large German type lock so I guess John used what he had and it wound up looking prety nice. It would be fantastic if i was able to get it home but I doubt it , peopel are not generally that good hearted today . I stil have the embroidered and leather sling that was on it ,i removed it before i went to sell it as havign that little rememberance by.