I've been building a jaeger with a Davis lock and Getz .62 cal barrel for the past couple of years off and on. It was my first attempt at some primitive carving. My cousin Fred Bowen in Lake Villa, Illinois is an engraver. A couple of years ago we visited him and his wife as a side trip from visiting son, wife and grandkids back there. Fred does really beautiful work. The next Christmas I received a card from my wife with a gift certificate from Fred for some simple engraving for my parts. The next year we visited him again and delivered my barrel, lock, triggerguard, toepiece, and buttplate. I gave him some drawings of some simple line work that I desired. I emphasized simple line work as my carving isn't anything to show off. Anyway, last Christmas we visited again and I asked if I could have the barrel back so I could keep it in my stock. He said that he wasn't finished with the buttplate as he wanted to take the parts to a Las Vegas show in January. Ok, so I received the parts the end of February and reassembled my jaeger. I wanted everyone to know about Fred's work so here are some pics for you. After you see them you'll understand why I'm now thinking about takin a really good course in carving--then maybe a new stock to suit his work. Enjoy.
The right side of the stock:

The left side of the stock:

The barrel:

the trigger guard:

The toe piece:

The sideplate:

The lock:

Closeup of the lock:


And finally, the detail on the buttplate:

Fred and I grew up together in the Chicago suburbs. He is 8 years my junior. His dad was my favorite uncle. But he has become a real artist over these many years. We were both collectors and I suspect, like me, he couldn't afford the real thing and began building. He has several nice pieces on his wall. At this point, I don't know how to repay him for all this work. If I try to come up what this is really worth, we'll be eating beans and rice for the rest of our lives. At this point there will be a way somehow, but for now I'm letting this post be a very visual and very exciting example of his work. Yes this is a shameless plug, but I am really proud of my cousin Fred.