I should mention a few things.
1. This flintlock was working just fine about 2 weeks ago.
2. The lock works perfectly when off the rifle.
3. I had checked the locking screw to see if it protrudes, blocking the cock from falling. Negatory. As I mentioned, it worked before.
4. I tried the lipstick, but it doesn't match my complexion
. It was difficult to see where wood might be rubbing metal.
5. When the long locking screw was tightened down, the whole lock shifts.
6. I put the lock and locking screw in place, pulled the set trigger and then the trigger. The cock moved forward a bit, stopped, and the entire lock moved slightly as though something on the lock was pushing on the wood. The bottom of the lock (toward the trigger) wanted to move away from the rifle.
7. Then, just to add to the fun, I wanted to try pulling the trigger to release the cock again, but the cock would lock at the half-cock position but not the full cock position.
8. At that point I said "Gosh darn, gee whiz, holy whilickers!"
Here is the lock. The shiny stuff is corrosion protect I put on.