Inletting a tapered and flarred barrel is a bit of a challenge, but well worth the time. I was fortunate enough to visit an old lumber yard, and asked if they had any old planner or joiner knives, and they gave me 4 18" knives. I broke off a section about 6" long, and rounded one end and ground and sharpened it to be a marking knife...One edge dead flat, with the other ground, and it works quite well. once the breech is let down so the bottom flat is touching the wood, I clamp the muzzle down, and use a steel block about half way along the barrel to keep it from moving, and then knife in one side, then the other. The rest is remove wood till you get the wood along the knifed profile abvout 1/16 wide, and with a 1-1/2" wide butt chisel, chop straight down to waste the wood till you are to depth. The rest is fairly straight forward, but the big thing to overcome is the fear factor! It took me a while to do that, but once you try it you will look at the finished job with amazement! (At least I did!) Dan