Author Topic: Reference Book  (Read 1498 times)

Offline okieboy

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Reference Book
« on: July 11, 2014, 11:02:03 PM »
 I recently got a copy of Ryan Gales recent book "For Trade and Treaty". What a wonderful reference book this is! I am not that interested in smooth bore fusils, but there are some trade rifles also. There are two Leman rifles and the photos and dimensions given on one of these was worth the price of the book.
 The photography is first class and generally shows full length views of both sides and the top and bottom, and then close ups up interesting details of the gun. The number of dimensions given on each gun is astounding. On the better Leman they give 42 different dimensions.
 There is also extensive primary source historical information given, which is eye opening about how this portion of the gun trade operated.
 I wish there were other long rifle books that lived up to this standard.
 Ryan works at Track and is the type of person that you want for a long rifle friend.
 P.S. I am NOT on Track's payroll, but you can still tell them that Okieboy sent you.