Other than having an order from a client, how do you decide what is your next build?
I started out with the intent to build something to represent the major periods and now have representations of
- Early Christian Springs Albrecht style rifle
- Revolution era Dickert style
- Post Revolution York County style
- Golden Age Valley of Virginia style
- Iron mounted Southern Mountain style
- Percussion small bore Ohio style
I don't really care for a copy, but I like to work more in the mode of something in the style of whatever time and place.
Now I can't decide quite where to go. I am temped to build a better example of a couple and sell off the existing ones, but after all of the study and building time that seems sort of like selling a part of your soul. I've got most of the parts, with the exception of the barrel and stock, to build another like the second and third on the list.
On the other hand this crazy idea of trying to do something along the lines of RCA 136 keeps popping up.....and I keep thinking...Really? It would be a good example of a Revolution era blacksmith made gun, which I don't have, but I can't help but wonder if it would be a waste of time and effort in the end, and if the time came to sell, who would want it?
What do you do when you get stuck
Maybe I should just go fishing.