I am looking at my old battle scarred 40 and thinking about scrapping it out for parts. Its totally a personal decision I know, but I really do not think it has enough sale value to make it worth getting all new parts to build another one. The wrist was broken and repaired twice as the first repair did not want to hold. It was one of the last guns I made when I got burnt out a few years ago and shows it. Proportions and lines are there but still not up to my better builds. Lock is a real good one, DST is a miserable single throw where you have to set the trigger to cock the rifle (I really hate them) and to be frank, while the 40 is OK, I have little use for one as I do not target shoot that much. Would prefer a 45 if I did and prefer a smaller bore for squirrel hunting. Likely would buy a new barrel. Been thinking about this for some time. On the up side its nice to have a beater that you can use in the woods without worrying about scratching. Thinking out loud is all.