I did a search using "peep" sight to find a way to make my own and not have to permanently modify the current rifle, but was not successful.
I have an Ohio/Vincent style rifle in 45 cal. I can shoot great groups at 50 yards, but with my 67 year old eyes (with cataracts), I have trouble putting the group in the center of the target. The semi-buckeye rear sight really doesn't help me to center the sight on the target.
So, I thought about adding a peep sight.
Some ideas: I have a small rt-angle bracket with mounting holes and could solder it to the current rear sight. I found a very small metal plate with a small hole in it. Perhaps it can be soldered to the buckeye sight. I can drill a small hole in a razor and solder it on to the buckeye.
Any comments of ideas will be greatly appreciated.