OK guys,
I've been reading all the responses to Ed's dilemma, and I just want to add one thing.
While I don't build high art guns like Jerry H. I do take a lot of pride in what goes into a build.
I think we get way too hung up on perfection sometimes. Sometimes you just got to stop and think.....did the guys we're trying to emulate, get this hung up on pin holes?
I don't think so. They'd never get anything done. Yes, I've bought all the drill jigs, and alignment tools. Yes, I've patched a few holes. But I think we begin to rely on devices instead of simple common sense.
First of all, if possible, drill while the stock is still square. If a pre shaped stock, it is tougher. Level the sucker fire and aft, side to side. Level your bit with a square both ways and drill.
This all assumes that you've measured and marked properly of course. If one side is off from the other by 1/16" I doubt anyone would ever know.
Takes a whole lot of pressure off trying to be perfect. I found out a long time ago, I'm NOT!!!