This topic revived a lingering question for me. Though I have been hunting with patched ball for thirty years I just switched to a flinter in the last two seasons. How difficult/easy is it for a flintlock to ignite the charge with no primer powder in the pan?
Welcome to the forum Sweeney
the "degree of difficulty" might be high, but it is possible and has likely happened, therefore I try to avoid situations where it IS possible.
I keep my vent blocked at all times when there isn't powder in the pan. That works amoungst us in the know. We aren't generally the problem. It's those know-nothings or know-it-alls handling estate guns or such that often guess wrong and endanger everyone around them.
No guessing. I'm going to make a label for my gun safe that says:
All Guns Always Loaded All the Time, in order to put others on official notice.
Some aren't
actually loaded, but which ones are they?
The only thing wrong with a loaded gun is not treating it as such.