For those who buy , rather than make their patchboxes, this is just a verification of what many already know. I have on hand a patchbox that I bought several years ago from TOW. Looking for a better quality piece, at the suggestion of someone on this forum, I bought a patchbox kit from Chamber's Flintlocks. Comparing the two, I found that the one from TOW is .050 inch thick. The brass on the kit from Chambers is .072 thick. In addition, the hinge fold on the Chambers kit is much better quality, and can easily be soldered shut if desired, however. the door and head are not notched or fitted together. This means the Chambers lit will be more work, but can be made into any form and or size desired, and if you do your part, will be much better quality when finished. Oh, the latter costs more, but has all parts included to make a hidden door latch. Many of you knew that, but if I didn't, there must be at least one other who did not know.