Author Topic: 28 gauge/54cal for turkey  (Read 2837 times)

Offline sonny

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28 gauge/54cal for turkey
« on: February 27, 2009, 06:06:32 PM »
wondering...........has anybody have any luck with hunting turkeys with a 28 gauge smoothie?I have a 44"/getz on my smoothie an wondered what load would be recommended for spring to hear stories of this combo huntin'them.................sonny


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Re: 28 gauge/54cal for turkey
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2009, 09:44:09 PM »
In my state 20 gauge is the lightest that’s legal for turkey but as you can see in my attach photo of my grand son with 50 cal. smoothie Loaded with # 4 does quite well at 25 yards can’t remember the exact load getting to old too remember those thing I just play with the load until it pattern good at 25 yards. Aiming for the neck the turkey hit the ground like a ton of bricks several pellets in the head, neck, broken legs and yes I did bite down on one pellet eating breast meat. I’m sure the serious turkey hunters on this forum can give you gauge and load data that been proven to work well for turkeys but on the ranch we used what handy.


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Re: 28 gauge/54cal for turkey
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2009, 01:40:34 AM »
wondering...........has anybody have any luck with hunting turkeys with a 28 gauge smoothie?I have a 44"/getz on my smoothie an wondered what load would be recommended for spring to hear stories of this combo huntin'them.................sonny

Not A 44"...but a 15/16" x 33" thick walled, strong, octagon Green Mountain Flint barrel... .54cal smoothbore / cylinder bore:
70grns Goex 3F
2 Oxyoke wads (or 1/2 of a Circle Fly lubed cushion wad)
100grns (1+3/8oz) #6 hard magnum lead shot or #7.5’s nickel plated shot
Circle Fly overshot card
Consistent Turkey head killing coverage pattern to 22-23yds
« Last Edit: February 28, 2009, 01:42:58 AM by roundball »