We had a change early on and the target should look like this... However, you can use your own color schemes for the scoring areas of what you can see best. I'll probably just stay with these colors.
The overall target is 22" x 28"
Outer - White area - "Outside" of Black 12" x 12" Center - 1 Point
Center - Black 12" x 12" - "Outside" of White Bullseye - 3 Points
Bullseye - White 5" x 5" - "Inside" Black Center - Point Value 5 points
Ball hole must be "half in" to get the next highest scoring area point value.
Reading the target below from left to right;
The Red Dot = 5 points as it is 1/2 in the higher scoring value of the Bullseye.
The Blue Dot = 5 points as it is in the Bullseye completely.
The Yellow Dot = 3 points as it is "not" half in the Bullseye - but rather over half
in the Center.
The next Yellow Dot = 3 points as it is mostly in the black Center.
The Red Dot = 1 point as it is clearly in the white Outer.