We had one long target on the bush trail, shot at Hefley last day in the blanket prize match. It was difficult to tell if it was 200 yards, 210 yards or 175, due to the drop in ground level between target and shotoing station. The plate was round - and I missed it with my counting shot. I took a couple more shots at it, ringing it easily, both times - unfortunately, we don't do re-entries- HA! There weren't many hits on it's fresh paint, but from the impact placement of my two hits, it appeared to be almost 200 yards from the stake. Luckily for me, Taylor missed a different target, which matched up up even and the contest came down to the tie breaker target, closest shot to the centre. Shooting big balls sometimes pays off with a 10 ring cut when otherwise, the shot would have been a 9 or 8. That was the final 1st place win for my 14 bore rifle - a real big game hunting rifle, but one that did well on the trails at rondy.