When it comes to our border a-holes you can't assume anything other than they will try to screw you with every tool in their sizeable basket! They have consistently proven to be the most pig-headed hard to deal with pr*cks imaginable in every dealing I've had with them, consequently I don't travel outside Kanada anymore, it's too frustrating coming back home!
Sorry to hear that Harry, I travel to shoots in Washington quite frequently, a couple of times coming back after I've declared my pistols and rifles I've been told to have a good day

Normally though I'm asked to pull over and check my credentials.
What I've discovered is ; the border guards are not experienced in handling Canadians with firearms , and so I make sure I have all of my paperwork in a small binder, ready for them to inspect.Most of them bluff their way through it, one admitted he knew nothing, but last month I was checked by the Superintendent, very pleasant young lady, asked lots of questions, was honest with me about not knowing, when I asked her about "prescribed antiques" and she asked me to explain.
I've been going to Heffley for 11 yrs, and I'm taking this year off to go to a shoot in Wash.
I'll miss not seeing everyone of course, but not the politics.
Daryll, I like your idea for a new shoot, just wondering how many chunk guns are out there ?
I was thinking about a long distance m/l shoot , the organiser sets the distance some were between 125 and 175 yds, declares the distance after everyone is there

Set up the target stands at the prescribed distance, everyone takes one shot, make safe, walk down range and inspect target. Allow the shooter to post an aiming point on their target, if they wish.
Fire 5 rounds all shots are benched, best group wins.
What do you think ?
Cheers Teach , formally nessy357