Author Topic: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun  (Read 7708 times)


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problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« on: May 04, 2015, 03:13:32 AM »
I have just purchased a CVA 12 gauge shotgun. I have replaced the number 11 percussion cap with a new nipple. I shot the gun several times the other day with no problems. Today my son and I was shooting it and it would not fire unless I added a little powder under the nipple. I made sure before loading each time that it was clear by blowing through the nipple and air was coming out the end of the barrel. This happened with every shot. what do I need to do since the nipple seems clear?

Thank you.


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Re: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2015, 04:54:49 AM »
Are you wiping between shots with a wet patch? Could be damp powder.


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Re: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2015, 05:52:55 AM »
No.  I wait a couple minutes before reloading.

I'm wondering if it has to do with greasing the new nipple threads.  I didn't grease much and wiped the threads before reinstall but noticed a small ring of grease on the top threads of the nipple hole when I took it out to add the powder to clear the barrel.

Offline smokinbuck

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Re: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2015, 06:22:19 AM »
If the nipple is clear, have you checked the flash channel. If it is partially block with caked fouling you may not be getting enough fire from just a cap to penetrate to the main charge.


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Re: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2015, 04:15:20 PM »
Well I took the screw out and dug around with the nipple pick and nothing came out so I'm assuming that it's clear.  I'll have to check it again tonight.

Offline T*O*F

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Re: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2015, 04:29:29 PM »
Nipple picks are seldom flexible enough to reach past the nipple seat and into the breech chamber.  Get yourself a welding tip cleaner.  It contains an assortment of different sized wires that can reach around the curve and into the breech.

The other thing that can cause your problem is the breech chamber.  They are usually around 38 caliber, so get yourself a bore brush that size and use it when cleaning the rifle to get down inside and remove that crusted fouling.  Use it wet after soaking the bores a bit.
Dave Kanger

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Offline SCLoyalist

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Re: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2015, 05:53:23 PM »
At the start of a shooting session, have you been performing the ritual usually called "popping a cap" to verify that the nipple and flash channels are open before you load with powder & shot?   If so,  do the caps you're using provide enough 'oomph' to displace a little dirt or dry leaves on the ground?

Seems like either (1) your percussion caps are too anemic, or (2) the nipple has become plugged or is possibly defective, or (3) the flash channel in the breech has become clogged, or (4) like Knifemaker suggested you're wiping between shots and leaving too much moisture down there.

(1)To rule out the caps, I'd either try another brand or pop one of the caps you have in another long gun and compare how the cap makes dirt and leaves fly in that gun versus in your shotgun.

(2) For the nipple, hold up to the light and look into the flash hole.   You should see a circle of daylight all the way through.  I believe a hole diameter around 0.030" in the threaded end is pretty much standard.  If you still have the old nipple, put it back in and see if you still have the problem.

(3)For the breech flash channel, with the nipple out and gun unloaded,  you should be able to blow down the barrel and feel essentially no resistance to the air flow.   In the absence of a brush such as TOF suggested, I'd run a pipe cleaner well soaked in solvent down through where the nipple threads in.   With the nipple removed (and gun unloaded)  maybe apply a blast of compressed air.   If the barrel removes from the stock easily, soak the breech end of the barrel (nipple removed) in Hoppes 9+ or Mr. Flintlock or LVL  or some moose milk concoction overnight, then hit it with compressed air, pipe cleaner, etc.  

As to number (4), sounds like you've already considered and ruled that out.

I had a rifle with about 25 years service on its record.   Over a 2 month period its ignition became more and more unreliable and eventually got to where popping a cap caused no reaction down at the muzzle.  Took a lot of breech channel cleaning to get the fire flowing again, but when I finally got a couple of black flakes out, the difference was like night and day.    Good luck, SCL
« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 05:56:05 PM by SCLoyalist »

Offline Daryl

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Re: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2015, 06:40:25 PM »
I have just purchased a CVA 12 gauge shotgun. I have replaced the number 11 percussion cap with a new nipple. I shot the gun several times the other day with no problems. Today my son and I was shooting it and it would not fire unless I added a little powder under the nipple. I made sure before loading each time that it was clear by blowing through the nipple and air was coming out the end of the barrel. This happened with every shot. what do I need to do since the nipple seems clear?

Thank you.

Knifemaker- it the nipples are not removed when cleaning after a day's shooting, and the breech-ends submerged in a container of water, which is sucked into the bores with a tightly patched jag then flushed back out, in/out/in/out/in/out etc,etc until it is clean - each tube, then there is probably powder fouling caked in the flash channels. They may allow air to pass, but do not allow powder from the load to trickle down to the base of the nipples so it can be ignited by the flash.

Wiping between shots simply pushes more '$#@*' down into that flash channel.

Clean it properly first- remove the barrels, etc, etc- dry, then oil.  Store it muzzle down.  Wipe the bore with a patched jab before loading it for shooting.  Load the gun as normally. You can shoot many shots - usually all afternoon without cleaning or wiping the bore - it will shoot a dozen or more shots before needing any sort of wiping.

You cannot do a good final clean after shooting, without dunking the breeches in water and pumping water into and out of the tubes. To not do this, is asking for the ignition problems you are having.

"a gun without hammers is like a spaniel without ears" King George V

Offline P.W.Berkuta

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Re: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2015, 07:15:42 PM »
I have just purchased a CVA 12 gauge shotgun. I have replaced the number 11 percussion cap with a new nipple. I shot the gun several times the other day with no problems. Today my son and I was shooting it and it would not fire unless I added a little powder under the nipple. I made sure before loading each time that it was clear by blowing through the nipple and air was coming out the end of the barrel. This happened with every shot. what do I need to do since the nipple seems clear?

Thank you.
When you replaced the nipple was the new nipple the same size (length) as the original one? If it was a bit longer then the hammer strike may have peened the nipple opening smaller and not letting enough "flash" from the cap to enter the flash channel - give it a check - worth a look.
"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it." - Chinese proverb


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Re: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2015, 03:07:11 PM »
You don't need another nipple pick or welding supplies or any other $#@*.  The ones that are made at least the ones I have reach into and clean the top and bottom hole on the nipple just fine.  ::)

I don't think it is the nipple. Spanish guns have a nasty reputation for having soft parts and you may have worn down those mainsprings enough equaling soft strikes. Bottom line and according to your description I don't think its the nipple channel into the breech that is the problem.

sloe bear

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Re: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2015, 08:33:13 PM »
 I agree with Crawdad, these have poor main springs, a friend purchased one for his son and after a few shots we couldn't get it to go , we finally added a couple of elastic bands around the hammers to get it to fire with any consistency. a real field fix, but we did get through the week end hunt.

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Re: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2015, 05:01:21 PM »
It sounds like more than a few of you guys need to re-read the question.  He says the cap busts, but the charge doesn't  go off. This sounds like there might be something collecting crud in the area where the flash channel enters the chamber.

Hungry Horse

Offline Daryl

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Re: problem with CVA 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2015, 06:03:37 PM »
It sounds like more than a few of you guys need to re-read the question.  He says the cap busts, but the charge doesn't  go off. This sounds like there might be something collecting crud in the area where the flash channel enters the chamber.

Hungry Horse


"a gun without hammers is like a spaniel without ears" King George V