I looked at my original photo of that rack of Hawkens and enlarged it to read the label. The text was blurred and I may not have the names correct, and if someone knows the correct name, please let us know. The label reads (as near as I can tell): "? Hawken, St. Louis- WM Van Vlear" Plains Rifle. 34 caliber, 35" barrel, may be "J&S"; Van Vlear was an early gunsmith in Stockton, California, made without escutcheons. See Bill Rehser's (?- HGT) article in Bulletin 39 of the ASAC "Artistry of the Hawken Family"; Jim Severn's (?- HGT) "Conquering the Frontiers", pages 66, 124 and 171; R.L. Wilson's "The Peacemakers" page 49 (Wilson calls it an S. Hawken rifle- HGT). and the CGCA GUN SHOW 2000" page 161 #2, also formerly in Kip Kapp Collection.