I know for sure Taylor is coming down heah. We are roomies, with Jesse sleeping on the floor amid all the beer bottles. Daryl is a surprise wild card, which is such totally great news. Brian, I am bummed that you won't be coming. Ah, another year, perhaps?
I am planning on going, oh, fer shur. I sent the money in for the table space, actually, a piece of grass 10 x 10. hahaha. Best grass in the world.
I will be giving a seminar on basics of engraving, and will be open to suggestions what you guys want to know(so I can ask Jerry).
I have also been asked by Jeff Guillaume to start apprenticing in the judging of the rifles. I am at once honored and horrified at this prospect. On one hand I don't feel like I know enough about the process, nor have seen enough originals to make a good judge. I'll give it my best, and also try to understand what the judging process should really mean to the judge AND to the entrant.
I want to bring my rifle stand, which will hold 4 rifles, and some folding chairs, and the 10 x 10 tent. We will once again use the Curran and Pierce sign to light the way to the ALR meeting place. If anyone wants, bring a folding chair, or an extra gun stand, we can have an ALR show and tell.
Jerry? you coming? Man, this is the year. I know you might be busy, but please think about it.
Cody? Whazzup? still thinkin?
Oh, man. Can't wait.