OK let me try to explain.The tang being slightly below the wood at both ends is fixable by taking the wood down,would be done anyway,as any inletting. The hump in the middle,cant do much to straighten the tang.If I file the tang to meet the wood it will be a wee bit on the thin side in my opinion.The stock being a precarve had the inlet at 1/4" deep.After I finished cleaning up the sides the tang is tight to the bottom of the inlet at the rear and at the breech.I can't lower the barrel/tang so my only option would be to file the tang to the wrist profile and the fill the gap with either wood or glass so its solid,so when the tang bolts are tightened they don't pull the tang down into the inlet. After I file the tang to fit its only going to be maybe an eighth on an inch thick.Maybe I'm thinking too much,I'm not going to using this rifle as a club nor will it be riding into the sunset on a horse so between what's left of the tang and the trigger plate it should be plenty strong.I think I'm over thinking things,thanks for your input