Side note...
My ancestor, Elijah Hodge, enlisted in the 6th Conn Regt on May 10, 1775. According to the reference book...
"Raised on the first call for troops in April-May, 1775. Recruited from New London, Hartford, and present Middlesex Counties. Two Companies, including Capt. Coit's marched at once to Boston, and Capt. Mott's was ordered to the Northern Dept. The other Companies remained on duty at New London until June 17, when they were ordered by the Governor's Council to the Boston Camps. There the regiment took post at Roxbury in Gen. Spencer's Brigade, and remained until expiration of term of service, Dec. 10, '75. Adopted as Continental. Regiment re-organized under Col. Parsons for service in '76."
Elijah Hodge served in the 6th Company under Capt. Waterman Clift. I wish I had more family history regarding the arms he carried. I would guess a state issued musket.