Range Report, Aug/07/2015.
Still shooting without my prescription glasses which seemed to have disappeared.
50yds, 55grs of 777-FFg, 0.530 roundballs from my newly arrived Lee mold, 0.022 Bull Denim patches.
Some of the patches were 0.030 blue denim.
The paper target shot using the bull denim patches.
This dirty-bird target shot using both bull and blue denim patches.
Sorry don't know which hole is which patch.
Thanks to all - for all of the great information and tireless helping.
I found only two of the patches, one Bull Denim and one Blue Denim since it's monsoon season and was raining cats/dogs/pumas, etc. Those two patches were not ripped but reuseable.
All loads went down fairly easily but did require a tap from a wooden mallet for the start.
Bull Denim (Jo-Ann description here) is natural color and ravels quite heavily during washing. Have someone either pink (pinking scissors) or zigzag stitch the edges before washing.