This is very easy to do. I’ll see if I can describe it to you.
I’ll assume you’re using a 5/16” RR. First, cut the mortise to full depth, including the RR groove. You can use a scrap piece of brass to be sure the mortise is the correct depth.
Next anneal the sheet you are using for the nose cap. Take a 5/16” steel mandrel, lay the sheet on top of an open vise, and tap the mandrel down to form the RR groove. It is critical to keep the groove square with the edge of the sheet.
Next, take a small C-clamp and clamp the brass sheet and mandrel into the RR groove. It helps to have a flat filed on the mandrel for the C-clamp, plus you’ll want to put a small block of wood in the barrel channel so you don’t crush the wood there.
Now, just bend the sheet into the nose cap mortise. You’ll probably need to anneal it two or three times as you go along. When the nose cap is correctly bent, just place a copper rivet and you’re done. It’s easiest if you leave the brass sheet a little long, and just trim the excess when you’re finished.
If you haven’t riveted before, it helps to practice a few times on some scrap.
I’ve done this with 0.030” brass sheet. 0.040” might be a little too thick.