Well, this is pretty well the finished product. As some might remember it started out as a pre-carve that was inlet for a small Siler and with some suggestions from some of you fine folks I whittled and hacked away and fit a Late Ketland to it instead. With all of that coupled with my lack of experience this is what it is now:

And here's a pic with the bag and horn that I put together to go with it

The barrel is a Rice .40 Cal 42", Davis Triggers from a kit, Chambers lock, and the most of the rest came from Track- except the stock which came from Log Cabin. (I'll own up to the side plate though) For the stock, I put on 4 coats of Aqua Fortis and topped it off with Tru-oil. On the metal, I used Plum Brown and then Aqua Fortis after scrubbing it back with steel wool.
I'm going to try and shoot it in the next week or so to see what it'll do. Squirrel season is in now and early muzzleloader deer season comes in the middle of October. I think that it'll be great for 20 or 25 yard shots. (Recurve range)
I know that there are a lot of mistakes, but I would appreciate any comments and pointers- don't waste your whole day on it though!

Having never studied one of these rifles up close or even held one like this it's all just how I "think" it should be... I spent a lot of time in the Virtual Library and searching for pictures online. I've got another blank stock and a .40 cal Colerain barrel ready to start on sometime this fall on the next one- that will NOT be a precarve.
David W.