This winter my mentor and friend Big Al Kahkonen crossed over to the other side.Al was a member here but never posted which is unfortunate as he was very talented,some of you might remember him from Dixons or lately the CLA Show.Al was a man of many talents and started building muzzleloaders in the 1970's and continued until his passing.Al never sold his work so he is virtually unknown except locally and made what he referred to as "Kahkonen North Carolina Rifles" mostly big early Iron mounted rifles with heavy Jaeger influence.Al strove to make every part of his rifles and also loved to make the tools to make the parts mostly using 18th Century techniques.I am deeply honored that these tools now reside on my bench ,many I helped him make while working with him and they will continue to be used for their intended purpose.I also thought by sharing them here others can be inspired by Als work as I was when I was a "know nothing" 17 year old kid and Al took me under his wing.
Mitch Yates
Big Al getting ready to do some forging in the blacksmith shop.
Set of Dog Leg inletting chisels
Tumbler mill
Screw Mills(these are used to make both the shank and head of gun/lock screws)
Plane for making dovetails on patchbox lids
18th Century Filing Vice
Hand Forged Jaeger Lock Al was almost finished with.
Hand made round ball mold cherries with hand forged mold and nippers.
Draw Knives