For several years, we have had an egg shoot at our club. We get together every Sunday, and at a position not far from the end of our trail, we hung a white egg by hot melting a small nut to the egg and suspending it from two strings, to keep it from swinging side to side. We collected $5 from each shooter, and hung the egg at 75 yds. We shot it offhand - winner takes 1/2 the pot - the other half going to raise money for the club. All names went into the hat, and they were drawn at random, so everyone has the same opportunity for the first shot. Many times the egg remains unscathed, and the pot builds. We have no other charges for shooting our trail, so it makes for a fun and cheap outing, with potential for fame, glory and wealth. I got the idea from a post by Roger Fisher, Blew him!